Press Release Summary: Joining the likes of many corporations that are implementing blogging into their marketing strategy, Questar hopes to create an open-forum for a digital audience.
Press Release Body: ST. PAUL, Mn. - In an effort to keep up with the fast-paced, ever changing world of corporate communications, Questar's Customer Experience Management division has taken a bold move by entering in to the corporate blogosphere. A trend once practiced primarily by adolescents and teenagers, internet blogging has become a crucial part of marketing strategies for many corporations. Questar's launching of the new blog comes in conjunction with the release of Technorati's 2008 "State of the Blogosphere" report.
Technorati, the leading blog search engine, is currently tracking 112.8 million blogs. Their 2008 report states that 31% of bloggers frequently write about company and brand information. Despite the overwhelming popularity of this communication medium, current research reveals that only 12.4% of Fortune 500 companies incorporate blogging into their marketing strategy.
Reason for this is clear. Blogs provide plenty of room for controversy. Authors can say what they want and visitors can respond in the same fashion. Still, blogs are slowly becoming more of an authority than traditional forms of media. For example, visitors of the Wired News website will notice that the "Latest Blog Posts" tab defaults before the "Most Popular Articles" tab. In fact, after clicking on most of the "headlines," viewers are directed to blog posts instead of news articles.
In the midst of this booming trend, there seems no better way to express a company's vision than to join the millions of people who interact with blogs every day. Questar is among those corporations willing to tackle the challenge of corporate blogging. Questar's blog will reflect on the latest issues and trends in customer satisfaction research.
Questar, based in St. Paul Minn., is one of the nation's leading research firms specializing in Customer Satisfaction Research and Consulting. Questar provides solutions for some of the nation's best known and largest organizations across a diverse range of industries. To visit the new Questar CEM blog, please visit To learn more about Questar CEM, visit For more information about Questar, please visit or call 1-800-688-0126.